A big wall sided by green spaces, contains the housing program. The exterior facade reflects the various sorts of rooms: closed cubes, rooms extended towards the exterior garden and balconies extended towards the interior garden.
All general day services and living-rooms are in the interior garden and belong to it. Two pieces united, one destined to accesses and general services and other destined to day rooms. The living-room is like a shade cover inside the garden. A diagram based in a very clear and simple idea.
Maybe there’s a single concept from the beginning: clarity. A clear idea that admits to absosb movements. A clear diagram that reaches all kind of understandment levels. A program studied and brought together in order to get it straight.
Clear volumes that define and shape interior and exterior spaces, keeping clear what’s inside and outside. Definitely try to express accuracy to achieve clarity. And then, keep playing with doubts, in intimacy.